If you’ve read Narwhal and Jelly books, you’ll like The Greatest in the World, by the same author, Ben Clanton. The two books have the same type of drawings but different characters. In The Greatest in the World, two potato brothers are arguing about who is the best; they decide to have a contest and have their younger sister be the judge. Each contest is an activity that is picked by one of them and should hopefully show who the better brother is; unfortunately, they keep ending up in a tie! Will they ever find an activity that won’t end in a tie? Will they ever decide who is the best?

The Greatest in the World is funny and fun to read because I can understand why they’re having this contest with me having a sibling, too. The pictures are fun to look at and help explain the story. Fans of Narwhal and Jelly will enjoy this book, and even if you aren’t familiar, you will still like it.

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