In the newest installment of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Greg Heffley is helping his brother Rodrick bring his band Loded Diper to fame- which is harder than it sounds. Rodrick is convinced that if the band works hard enough, they might have a shot at winning this year’s Battle of the Bands. But disaster ensues as the band tries to make a name for itself, including trying to find rock star costumes, a swallowed guitar pick, and a wayward monkey paw.
I liked this book because it was really funny and easy to breeze through, and was a good addition to the series! I did feel like Greg, who has traditionally been the main focus of the books, was only there as a way to narrate what the band was doing. I would’ve liked more insight into his home life and school, and more of the family action. But this was a minor detail, I really liked hearing about Loded Diper, and this was a really great installment to the series! I would recommend this to ages ten to twelve!