Book Summary: During the summer of 1960, five imaginative, adventurous 13-year-olds, free from computers, cell phones and social media, suddenly must grapple with the loss of childhood security in this small Ohio town, first person, coming-of-age story. A tsunami of science fiction movies, Cold War paranoia about Russian missiles, and […]
Third Wheel by Richard R. Becker
Book Summary: Brady Wilks wished for a new life with a real family in the pre-boomtown years of Las Vegas, 1982. Instead, he finds himself in a precarious situation, struggling to belong and find his identity. Outcast as a teenage transplant from the Midwest and estranged at home, Brady forges […]
Out of the Far North by Amir Tsarfati and Steve Yohn
Book Summary: Tensions are at a breaking point. The Western markets that once relied on Russian gas have turned to Israel for their energy needs. Furious, Russia surreptitiously moves to protect their interests by using their newfound ally, Iran, and Iran’s proxy militias. As Israel’s elite fighting forces and the […]
Just Do Nothing by Joanna Hardis
Just Do Nothing by Joanna Hardis is a timely and insightful book that delves into the often-overlooked value of doing nothing. Hardis’ compelling arguments and relatable anecdotes make a compelling case for the importance of slowing down and finding meaning in moments of non-doing. Book summary: Is there a space […]
Kissing Asphalt by Delicia Niami
Book Summary: Resilience isn’t inherited. It’s a hard-fought skill forged by our ability to pick up the broken pieces of our past and remake them into something new. Meet four-year-old Delicia, a poor but carefree child who is about to have her world shattered. Along with her seven-year-old brother Nile, […]
Creative Together by Steven Kowalski
If you’re tired of feeling stuck in a creative rut, Creative Together by Steven Kowalski is the book that will help you break free. Through his insightful storytelling and expert guidance, Kowalski invites you to explore the depths of your imagination and discover new ways to express yourself creatively. Book […]
Epicedium – 50 experimental poetic journeys through awakening, alchemy and other worlds by Helene Alexandra Jæger
Book Summary: Exploring the realms of death and dreaming, the occult, the unconscious and the soul, Epicedium is a stream of consciousness collection of 50 works. Told as a four-part story of transformation, Epicedium is a stream of consciousness exploration of spiritual awakening, passion, loss, and journeys in consciousness. Throughout, […]
Fantastic Four: Full Circle
Alex Ross brings non-stop action and excitement, mixed with thought-provoking concepts in Fantastic Four: Full Circle. The story of the superheroes known as The Fantastic Four begins with an unexpected visitor who makes its way into the secure compound of the Fantastic Four; several things about the visitor and happenings […]
A Streetcar Named Murder (New Orleans Mystery, A)
Valerie Cooper thought the toughest thing she would experience was an empty nest without her husband, but then she faces the pushing of a fellow parent Collette that wants her to sell her house and has a grudge against her. When she receives a mysterious letter from her late husband’s […]
The Good Lord Willing and the Creek Don’t Rise: Pentimento Memories of Mom and Me
Catherine Caroline Murphy lived a life of struggle and accomplishment during her ninety-five-year existence. She imbued her children with a strong will to fight for what was right. Catherine was born in 1926 in North Dakota. The beginning of unfriendly economic times led to her family’s relocation to Oregon in […]