This is a satirical portrayal of Donald Trump’s ascent to power and his unconventional alliance with Vladimir Putin. Trump, depicted as egotistical and emotionally stunted since childhood, transitions from real estate to reality TV before entering politics. He recruits shock jock Alex Clamz for his presidential campaign, facing off against the sensible Mallory Claxton. Despite scandal and controversy, Trump wins the presidency with covert support from Putin. The narrative humorously highlights their contrasting personalities, with Putin portrayed as a former KGB agent with unique coping mechanisms. The story unfolds with absurdity and farce, reflecting on contemporary political dynamics through a comedic lens.

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  1. “What has been the most memorable interaction with a reader so far?”                                

I have a number of fans, primarily for my acting, and one contacted me through Facebook Messenger. He lives in Kiev, Ukraine. I sent him a copy, along with memorabilia from the Hercules TV series. Months later, he contacted me again through Messenger. He sent me a photo saying, “Dear Mr. Trebor! Today I received your gift. I am incredibly happy and thank you for taking the time to do this. These are probably my best moments in the last 2 years (italics mine). I am incredibly grateful to you for the happiness that you brought to my home. I wish you and your family good health and long life, remember that you are loved all over the world!” I have donated money to The World Central Kitchen and other Ukrainian-supporting charities. But to know I touched this one person this way with my work is better than any money or awards I could receive.  

  1.  “How do you engage with your readers and the community?”  

I had a Twitter account for a while until Musk took it over. I check in with my Facebook account periodically. I don’t really care for other social media platforms, and I admit this may be a mistake. I have done a number of reading and signings, the first at my alma mater Northwestern. That was fun, and I saw people and faculty I hadn’t seen in decades. I signed and read at several universities, including USC, UCLA, and the University of Washington them. I also was invited to sign at Shakespeare and Co in New York and Philadelphia. Barnes and Noble in San Diego and San Francisco dew some nice audience as well. At some of these venues, I passed out a lyrics’ sheet I thought was appropriate for the occasion. (Sung to the tune of Spike Jones’ “Der Fuhrer’s Face”, which you can find on Youtube))  

“When the Donald says, ‘I got to change this place,   

We Heil (razz), Heil (razz) right in the Donald’s face  

Not to love the Donald is a great disgrace  

So we Heil (razz) ,Heil (razz), right in the Donald’s face.  

Trump wants to bring new order.   

A dictator’s sense of order.   

Well, we know that Donald’s nuts;   

We know he is a putz,   

Who would bring to the world disorder.  

When the Donald says ‘I must control this place’  

We Heil (razz), Heil(razz) right in the Donald’s face.  

When the Donald says ‘I want to be the King,’  

We spit (spit), spit (spit), right on his golden ring!”  

  1. “How do you plan to promote your book moving forward?”  

These blogs certainly seem like a good way. And I would be very open to more readings and signings. I also would love to do some podcasts, particularly those oriented to humor and/or politics. As it gets closer to the election, I hope to do some major interviews, broadcast or print, regarding mockery and humiliation as potent weapons against The Donald.  

  1. “What prompted you to pursue a career in writing after acting and directing for many years?”  

Actually, I’ve always written. In fact, I first earned money writing in high school, long before I earned any money acting. I was a film critic for the student newspaper, and my English teacher suggested I enter some reviews into the Scholastic National Creative Writing Awards Contest. Two of these won monetary awards: The Subject Was Roses, starring Martin Sheen, and The Fixer directed by John Frankenheimer. Ironically, almost twenty years later, I co-starred opposite Martin Sheen in the film Out Of The Darkness about the capture of The Son of Sam (I played the Son of Sam), and co-starred opposite Roy Scheider in the thriller. 52 Pickup, directed by John Frankenheimer. I also wrote a comedy act for myself and a wonderful actress, Deborah Reagan, which we played at comedy clubs like Catch A Rising Star and the Improv. But late-night comedian hours were not for us, so we stopped after a couple of years.  

Author Info

Robert Trebor is a character actor with more than 40 years experience on stage, film and television. Two of his noteworthy roles are The Son of Sam in the film Out Of The Darkness, and Salmoneus the merchant in the Hercules and Xena TV series. Playing both a psychopath and a salesman was enormously helpful in preparing this book. For more information –

Read Part 8 HERE

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